Walking the talk

For us, expert operating support goes well beyond a willingness to just take your call and offer our opinions. Our roots are as search fund entrepreneurs, and we know there is no substitute for having sat in your seat. We’ve developed specific programs that get you the support and mentorship you need to maximize the chances of a killer outcome for you. Exactly what we wish we had the day we became a search fund CEO. 

Expert Operating Support

If you want us on your board, count us in. We'll also pair you up with an operating mentor for regular 1:1 sessions during your first year as a CEO, and invite you into The Manager's Handbook search fund CEO training program. 


Successful Searching

We want you to buy a company because we remember what it was like when we were searching. Join our seven small group classes on the foundations of how to increase your chances of finding a company—one of the reasons our entrepreneurs acquire companies at a 15% higher rate than the average.


Systems, Risk Management, and Controls

The sooner you get your accounting and financial systems humming, the sooner you can grow your business. Day One is crazy (we know because we were once there). That's why we'll get on a plane with an extra set of hands, and offer expert operating support to fast start your accounting, finance, and insurance systems. 
